
We want to guide our value growth through DIALOGUE with people by combining INNOVATION with RESPECT for the environment.


Our dream

We are committed to CREATING A FUTURE in which there is no waste and our environmental footprint is zero.

Let us proceed along this path, one step at a time, reducing waste and striving to minimise our impact. We do this through specific projects in our business area and by collaborating with citizens, consumers, customers and institutional stakeholders to promote virtuous and sustainable behaviour together.


Serving people and the environment

Serving people and the environment. Good ideas often arise in specific teams, sometimes in an informal way by reasoning with colleagues, perhaps over coffee. In our DNA there is discontinuous innovation.

Ace Green

Plastic free
With Ace Green we have reduced environmental impacts on both the packaging and the formulation, with two truly innovative and sustainable product lines.

ACE Green

Detersivo per pavimenti, detersivo per bucato, Ace Gentile, Spray multiuso per superfici.


ACE Green

Prodotti monodose e 2 ricariche per detersivo per pavimenti e multiuso.


Consumo acqua
prodotti per pavimenti e
Consumo acqua
prodotti per pavimenti e
Consumo acqua
candeggina e candeggina

Our commitment: improving gender equality

We are convinced that the equal presence of women and men in our team is a valuable resource. Several departments of Fater have a good female presence; we have taken some steps but we are still not satisfied: we want to continue our efforts to promote total gender balance. It's the right thing to do.


Gender balance in Fater: where we are

Women Logistics Department
Women Marketing Department
Women Sales Department
Women executives
Women top executives